Saturday, September 10, 2011

Webelos Camp

July 13-14
There was some discussion this year as to whether to send the cub scouts and Webelos scouts to the formal cub camp held by the Great Salt Lake Council or whether to try just doing our own this year. It went back and forth quite a bit and the decision was finally made to attend the cub camp in Millcreek Canyon like we have in the past. Luke was quite upset when he heard that we might not go back to that camp because he has loved it every year and he was excited to be able to attend the Webelos Camp since that is a one time thing. Luke had a lot of fun attending with his Webelos den and he enjoyed the archery and row boating the most. He also spent some money at the trading post on a light-up sword and two slingshots - one for him and one for his sisters. DH was hoping that he might be able to attend with Luke this year but things didn't work out for that and then he ended up being asked to go to YW camp which took place over the same dates.