Monday, September 12, 2011

New Calling

Sunday, July 31

And my new calling is...

First Counselor in our Ward Primary Presidency!

The story behind the calling for those that are interested:
The Sunday before Blondie's baptism we got a phone call at about 7:30 in the morning. I was just getting up to jump in the shower (9 a.m. church) and I knew that a phone call at that time of the morning was either something church related or an emergency so I hurried downstairs to answer it. It was the ward assistant executive secretary asking if DH and I could come in to meet with one of the bishopric counselors before church at about 8:45. I said "yes" and then went and told DH about the phone call so we could both be ready in time. We guessed that it was most likely a new calling for me because DH's current calling would require a release from the Stake Presidency. I also have been a den leader for the Bears for almost 3 years now so we thought it was about time for a change (although DH was put into his calling about the same time I was almost 3 years ago). So we went in before the church and met with the bishopric counselor and he extended the call to me to be the first counselor in the primary presidency. I of course accepted and DH agreed to support me in the calling.

The interesting thing is that I had had a feeling for a while that I was going to be put into the primary presidency. The whole presidency (except the secretary) were just put in last December, shortly after our ward primary sacrament meeting program. Then about 5 months after that the second counselor announced that her family was going to moving down to St. George around the first part of June. At that time I thought that I was going to be put into the presidency to replace her. Well, when it came time for her to move, someone else was called to her position. I was a little bit surprised about that and wondered why I had had that feeling. Then just 2 short months later, the first counselor was called into the Stake Primary Presidency. I was definitely surprised by that (and so was the ward primary president) and then just a week later I received that early morning phone call to meet with the bishopric member!

As first counselor, the president has me in charge of the primary sacrament meeting program and then cub scouts (and I think music as well). The previous counselor had already written the program so we just revised it a little and moved a few parts around here and there. The presidency decided at the beginning of the year that they wanted to have the program earlier in the year than our ward has done in the past, so it is scheduled for September 25th - less than two weeks away now! Cub Scouts is in a state of flux right now because both the new second counselor and I were den leaders so we have had to find replacements for us, another den leader recently moved and then another one was just put into our new Relief Society Presidency. We have just called 3 new den leaders in the past 3 weeks - it's been crazy! I'm looking forward to serving though and I have some neat, fun, strong sisters that I am serving with.