Wednesday, June 19, 2013

MJ & sleeping

MJ has had some issues with sleeping lately.  Sometimes she wants to be near me when she is falling asleep and other times she will come into my room around 3 or 4 in the morning and tap me until I wake up and then she will crawl into bed next to me.  Sometimes I don't mind it, but she is usually a very restless sleeper and will toss and turn and toss and turn and throw the blankets off of herself and adjust her head back and forth on the pillow...  Sometimes I will pick her up and take her back to her bed and lay there next to her until she falls back asleep.  Hopefully this won't go on too long...

MJ curling up on the couch while I was folding laundry in the family room.

Sleeping in my bed - apparently she did not get her mouth washed off the night before.  Nice mustache, huh?  I love her eyelashes!