Saturday, March 8, 2014

Marching Band - Rocky Mountain Invitational

Tuesday, October 8

Blondie and I drove down and picked DH up from work and then we headed to BYU to see the marching band perform in the Rocky Mountain Invitational.  I like this competition because the stadium is so high that you can get a better overall picture of what the show looks like.  Like last year we weren't quite sure what the "rules" were regarding photography and videography.  I think that tripods are not allowed but we also saw some security people walking around asking people to put away their video cameras too...  It was kind of confusing...  We sat up really high in the stadium and then I took pictures with DH's camera while he tried to videotape the show.  I got some really good pictures, so enjoy!  Afterwards we ended up running into an old bishop of ours from our married student ward at BYU.  He was there with his wife watching one of their grandkids perform.  We had a good time talking with them and catching up a little on the years since we last saw each other.

The band ready to take the field.
Opening set
Woodwinds are the group in the front.
The flute/piccolo section is that front group on the 45 yard line.
This was a really neat part of the show where the band is playing and the color guard run through the band with their flags held out.
M&M is at the front of the line on the 20-yard line.
Marching off the field