Monday, February 25, 2008

Another trip to the Capitol

This morning DH & I (with Blondie & Kitty) went up to the Capitol to talk to our Representative about the midwife bill. Three years ago I talked to her about the original bill and she had some concerns about it but she never contacted me with any questions and ultimately voted against passing the bill. Today DH decided to go into work late so he could come with me and maybe the two of us together could make a difference. We had to drive around a few times before we found a place to park and then we had to wait a few minutes because she was presenting a bill on the floor right when we got there. After her bill was voted on we sent a note in to her and a few minutes after that she came out looking for us. We only had a few minutes to talk with her because unfortunately it was a busy time on the house floor for voting on bills. They kept ringing the bill to vote and she would have to leave us to go cast a vote on another bill. I think the meeting went pretty well and we told her a few of our concerns about the bill and we mentioned another representative in the house that is working on a substitute bill for the midwives. Our representative said that the substitute sponsor sits right behind her and that she would talk with her about it. So, hopefully she will at least vote for the substitute and then we don't care if it passes or dies at that point (except that if it passes then this might be the last year that we have to deal with the whole issue). Now we just need to send her a "thank-you" email for taking some time out of her day to speak to us.

From what I understand the House of Representatives is currently prioritizing bills and they will not get to any Senate bills until Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully today was the last trip I will have to make up to the Capitol - the session ends Wednesday, March 5.