Sunday, February 3, 2008

Luke turns 7!

Luke Skywalker celebrated his 7th birthday on Friday. We just had a family party this year which ended up being pretty small & low key. My parents & sister were both fighting sicknesses and weren't able to come over so it was just our family of 6. DH ended up going to a doctor's appointment after work so we didn't do too much until he got home from that around 6:30. Luke opened a couple of presents from us before school and then after DH got home from the doctor's we went out to Carl's Jr for dinner (Luke wanted to go there because they have an indoor playland.
The kids had a lot of fun playing there and then we stopped at the store on the way home to pick up a prescription for DH and some ice cream. After we got home, Luke opened the rest of the presents from us and the girls and then the ones from DH's parents. Next we had cake & ice cream and then Luke played his new Gamecube game, Sonic Heroes, for a little while before bedtime.

On Saturday I took Luke to Target to get some Transformers with the birthday money he was given. We still plan on taking him to Nickelcade sometime to play on the arcade games there (that's what he wanted to do for his birthday). I was hoping to go on Saturday but with DH not feeling 100% and the funeral proceedings of Pres. Hinckley that we watched, we decided to postpone it for another day. Saturday evening my parents dropped by to give Luke the presents from them. All in all I think he had a good birthday and is definitely enjoying his new Transformer toys & Sonic Heroes...


Vonae said...

Steph- Awesome job on the cake. How long did this one take you? Did Kyle LOVE it? It sounds like you had fun. Is Heath feeling better?