Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Nothing today

The midwife bill was on the agenda today for a committee meeting and they didn't get to it. I got up super early and left with Blondie & Kitty so that we could be there by 8:00. We ended up being a little late and the room was jam packed so I sat out in the hall until they got further down on the agenda and some space cleared up in the conference room. After the meeting ended the girls & I walked over to the main Capitol building which was recently opened after some extensive renovations. We walked around the building a little and then I went up to the Senate chambers and sent in a message to my senator. I'm still not sure where he stands on the issue. After that we walked back to the car and dropped the family calendar off at my sister's apartment - she was just diagnosed with strep throat so we didn't stay at all. Then we went over to the dealership where we bought our minivan to get the oil changed. On the way home I stopped at the elementary school to vote. All I can say is that it has been a very long day and I am very tired. I crashed on the couch for a little while after we got home.

The midwife bill is first on the agenda for Thursday morning at 8 a.m...