Saturday, February 16, 2008

Childbirth Books

Here are some books that I would recommend for anyone to read that is currently pregnant. The first two books are geared more towards the process of birth and how to have a safe, positive birth. The third book is a very enlightening look at how childbirth has evolved over the history of our country. It's more of a study on anthropology and how we came to the current views on childbirth. This one isn't necessarily for someone who is pregnant but can be read by anyone interested in childbirth.

1. The Birth Book by Dr. William Sears & Martha Sears
I love this book! It looks at all options available for childbirth and talks about the births of each of their children (9 I think). I also LOVE their book The Baby Book for the first two years of your baby's life.

2. Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper
I don't have a copy of this book but it is one on my list to buy. If I recall correctly it talks a lot about alternative choices to a hospital birth and making your experience "gentle" for the baby. It also talks about waterbirth.

3. Birth as an American Rite of Passage by Robbie E. Davis-Floyd
I also don't have a copy of this book but it is another one on my list to buy. I loved reading about how we have evolved as a country in the aspect of childbirth and how that evolution isn't necessarily a good thing for us as childbearing women. It's a book that definitely makes you think and take a look at the medical community a little bit differently.