Friday, February 22, 2008

DH is in print!

Finally after 3 attempts at sending in a submission to the Reader's Forum of our paper (Deseret Morning News), one of his submissions was printed. DH has been trying over the past week & a half to get the paper to print a submission about the midwife amendments bill that is currently before the Utah legislature. We had pretty much given up that they would print one of his articles when I sat down this morning to eat some breakfast, opened up the paper & there it was! Here is the article that was printed:

UMA a monopoly run amok
Published: Friday, Feb. 22, 2008 12:53 a.m. MST

The Utah Medical Association has shown a disturbing trend to misrepresent, distort and outright lie when it suits its purposes. In the ongoing saga of SB93 (sponsored by Sen. Margaret Dayton) — the midwife bill only but a small number of people care about — the UMA feels it can do whatever it wants. Despite requests from the legislators that the UMA work together with the midwives, it has demanded, made promises and then substituted its own bill ignoring midwives outright. This is a monopoly run amok.