Thursday, February 14, 2008

More snow!!

We finally had some warmer weather earlier this week (we made it close to 50 degrees) and the snow was almost gone from our back yard and then we still had big piles in the front where it had been shoveled. Yesterday afternoon though we got another dumping of snow with lots of wind and more snow drifts. DH had to go up to Salt Lake in the afternoon for a meeting and it took him 1 1/2 hours to get home afterwards in a commute that normally takes between 30 & 45 minutes. I got the kids up for school this morning and off to the bus stop and they came back about 5 minutes later saying that someone had come out and told them that school was delayed 2 hours - in Utah?!? That is definitely something I would expect in Virginia where I grew up, but not here in Utah...

In the meantime, I have been suffering from a horrible head cold these last couple of days. I woke up Monday morning with a slight cough & runny nose which has steadily been getting worse throughout the week. Tuesday evening I skipped Enrichment because I felt so tired. I've been going to bed around 10 every night this week. Then it got pretty bad Tuesday night - at one point I woke up and was freezing to death and then I woke up a couple of hours later sweating like crazy - definitely a sign of a fever. Yesterday I felt pretty miserable with a headache and just feeling completely wiped out. It doesn't help that I'm 7 months pregnant either. Somehow I managed to get some laundry done, but that was about it. I was supposed to help out with a Valentine's party in Luke's class today but I called the mom in charge of the party and told her that I wasn't going to be able to make it. I slept better last night and I feel a little bit better today but I still have a constant headache and a cough and stuffed-up nose. I think my fever is almost gone which is a good thing - the highest I measured was 100 degrees. Now I just hope that no one else gets it...


Missy White said...

Grandpa mentioned that you've been feeling pretty ugly! I hope you feel good soon, Stephanie.