Monday, October 6, 2008

Bee in distress!

Saturday morning we opened the front door to get the newspaper and there was a huge bumblebee hiding out on our doorstep. At first we weren't sure if it was alive or not but when we looked closer we were able to see it move a little bit. Later on that day it was still there only it had moved to the side wall next to the door. It was still there Saturday evening and we were wondering if it was going to survive or not. It rained all day Saturday and was only in the 50s so we think it was too cold and wet for it to go anywhere.

Sunday morning it was still there. Finally after the morning session of conference the sun came out and when we looked outside again it was gone. Hopefully it made it safely home. :)

I wanted to get my finger in the picture for size perspective but I was hesitant to get my finger too close because I have been stung too many times in my life. :) Seeing a bee like this always makes me think of the story my husband tells of the one time he has been stung in his life. He was fairly young and was outside playing when he saw a bumblebee that looked so fuzzy that he wanted to pet it. :)