Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My big baby!

Chillin' on the couch with Dad.

I have now discovered why my neck has been hurting more lately and why I have been getting headaches more frequently - my baby is HUGE for her age. (Now I understand what Chez went through with her first baby...)

I took Baby K in for her 6 month checkup yesterday and she was 18 lbs 14 ozs (93%) and 27 3/4" (>95%). So now it has been confirmed that she is definitely our biggest baby. She is basically the same size that Kitty was at 1 year old (just 3/4" shorter). The doctor couldn't stop commenting on how healthy she looked with her chubby legs and arms.

And can I just say that I love our pediatrician! She has been awesome since we first starting seeing her 5 years ago! She is perfectly fine with the fact that my babies are born at home and doesn't bat an eye when I decline certain immunizations and wait on others until the kids are older. They have written on all of our kids' charts to ask what immunizations I want instead of telling me what ones the kids will get that day (if we followed the "recommended" schedule). Baby K got her first shot yesterday and the pediatrician thought that that was great. Because I breastfeed my babies until at least 18 months old and they don't go to daycare, they have a pretty low chance of contracting most of the diseases that are routinely vaccinated against.

So Baby K got a combo shot of DTaP/Hib/IPV and didn't even cry! The medical staff at the doctor's office has been really impressed with this shot because it's been relatively painless for the kids to get. Baby K reacted when the needle was stuck into her leg but never made a sound. She was a little more fussy during the day than is usual for her (she wanted to be held more) but other than that she hasn't had any adverse reactions.

I have a great book that I recently bought called The Vaccine Book by Dr. Robert W. Sears that talks in detail about all of the immunizations given - how they're made, how the diseases are spread, how severe the diseases are, potential side effects of each vaccine, and how to decide what to give your kids. It has been a great reference for me because every time I have a baby there is a new set of shots that the AAP recommends. I just get really concerned with the high number of vaccines that are given at such a young age and potential side effects. There really haven't been any studies done on the effects of so many vaccines given to such young babies - especially ones with aluminum in them. And I always worry about the high incidence of ADHD and autism today. As a parent I feel more peace of mind when I take an active role in deciding what vaccines my kids should get and when.


Cheryl said...

Levi was 20 lbs at 6 months. I can certainly relate! I had carpel tunnel in my arm from carrying his huge chubba around. He didn't walk until 18 months as well. I loved eating that baby chub. Enjoy it! He is not almost 8 and doesn't like it when I try to nibble on him. Go figure!

BTW, DH has a HUGE book there too. Did it weigh as much as Baby K?