Friday, September 11, 2009

Almost nursery age!

I can't believe that Baby K has just one more month until she is the magical nursery age at church! (Actually, with all of the sicknesses going around and in the news lately I'm a little bit nervous about sending her...) She is at the cute age where she is learning to talk and quite often you will hear her chatting or singing to herself. We have also taught her a few baby signs and her favorite ones are "more" and "bye-bye" - she'll make the sign and say the word at the same time. She loves it when her dad comes home from work and now whenever I open the door from the kitchen to the garage she says "dada" because she thinks that means that he is home. She can't stand it when anyone goes outside without her. She absolutely LOVES being outside and running around. One time she was out in the front and started taking off along the sidewalk to the corner. I stood and watched her and she turned the corner and just kept going. I quickly caught up to her and she ended up walking almost the whole block on her own (and without shoes on I might add). Here are some of the words that she can say: mama, dada, more, bye-bye, shoe, book, apple, cracker, ball, hop-hop (when she sees a bunny), no, yes, hi and she is trying to say a couple of her siblings' names. She also loves putting anything and everything into her mouth and thinks it's funny to come to me with something in her mouth that she's knows shouldn't be there. Thankfully the dentist gave her this toothbrush that she loves to chew on as well - she is cutting several new teeth which I think has something to do with it.