Friday, September 25, 2009

Strawberry jam

A couple of weeks ago I was at the grocery store and they had an AWESOME deal on strawberries that I just couldn't pass up. I decided to buy a whole flat of them which had 8 - 1 lb containers. My family loves jam and I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to try and make my own homemade strawberry jam. Unfortunately I am very busy at this point in my life and I had no materials for canning anything with. So, with great intentions I found a recipe that I wanted to use, and then I finally made it back to the store to buy some jars and pectin. I still didn't have any canning supplies, such as a water bath canner, but I was able to figure out a way to do it without a special canner, just using a large pot that I already have. (I used some of the metal screw bands that I had to form a grid on the bottom of the pot so that I could set the jars on top of them and it would allow water to circulate underneath the jars during the boiling process.)

So a couple of days after buying the strawberries I finally took the time to make some strawberry jam and can it. Unfortunately, a few of the strawberries were starting to go bad by the time I got to canning them, but I had enough to make 8 - 1/2 pint jars with some leftover. There was a little bit of the jam leftover that wouldn't fill a whole jar so I put it in the fridge and my family gobbled it up that first day. One of these days I will get to making some homemade wheat bread to eat with the jam - that is my favorite!!


Vonae said...

I made homemade jam last year. I went and picked 20 lbs. of strawberries with the girls and then made the best jam. I missed getting the strawberries this year and we are running out of jam. :( I'm going to make sure we get strawberries next year. Good job getting the jam made and enjoy!