Saturday, September 12, 2009

Garden update - 9/11/09

I finally made it back out to the garden today to try and pull some weeds - sadly they are taking over the place... I first went to my pumpkin plants to see how the squash bug problem was coming along and I was pleasantly surprised to see several new pumpkins growing! We have one small one that I've been watching for some time that is now almost completely orange, but there were several new ones growing finally and one that I noticed last week is getting really big and is dark green right now. I am so excited! In all I counted 6 pumpkins. I hope that they keep growing so we have at least one for each of our kids. :) It makes carving them a little more fun when you grow them in your own garden!

On another note, my corn is not doing so hot this year and for some reason my cucumbers are struggling as well. The leaves are a really light green instead of dark green and I have only gotten one cucumber so far this year... My green beans are doing pretty well and so are the carrots. My cherry tomato plant is HUGE and I can pick tons of ripe ones every day. One of my bigger tomato plants keeps getting blossom end rot on the tomatoes and they are funny shapes. The other big tomato plant seems to be doing okay though.

While I was outside Baby K came over to the garden and tripped and fell hands first and immediately started crying. There was a little bit of blood on her hands and at first I thought that she had just landed on one of the prickly weeds, but then one of her hands started swelling up a little just below the thumb on her palm. There was a tiny black dot and the skin right around it turned a blue color - like a bruise. My guess is that she was stung by something, but I'm still not sure what. I tried putting an ice pack on her hand, but that didn't last long. She kept trying to take the ice bag off and bite on it instead. I then tried some otter pops and she ate 2 of those while holding them in her hand with the sting. I later went out to see if there was a bee or anything dead out where she landed, but I didn't find anything. Thankfully the swelling didn't get too bad and within an hour she was acting like nothing had happened. When I touch the spot she pulls her hand away, but I think she will be fine and thankfully she didn't have a serious reaction.