Friday, January 21, 2011

Wood floor installation - Day 2

Friday, January 7, 2011
The installers did the bulk of the work on the first day. Once they had gone home for the day, DH and I inspected the work that had been done and we were both drawn to one particular spot where it looked like the workers had nailed a piece of the wood incorrectly - the nail was almost poking out of the top of the wood, splitting it slightly. Unfortunately it was several rows into the floor from where they had stopped. We debated whether or not to say anything, but in the end I decided that this was the whole reason we were having the floor professionally installed - so these types of mistakes wouldn't be in the finished project...

So Friday morning I pointed the spot out to the workers and they had to take back out all of the wood up to that point to replace that piece. I think that that mistake made the second day take a lot longer than the workers had been planning on so I tried to stay out of their way as much as possible.

End of day 2: