Monday, August 27, 2012

Kid talk

I have some little pictures in a ziploc bag that were used for a recent sharing time at church.  The pictures show things that are good and bad for your body.  One of the pictures is supposed to be a box of cigarettes and the way one of my kids colored it, it looks more like a box of crayons.  Each of the pictures has a happy or sad face, depending on whether or not the item is good or bad for you.  Here is the conversation that took place when Kay and MJ were playing with the pictures:

Kay:  Crayons are bad for you?

Me:  Well, that's a picture of cigarettes, which are bad for you.  But I wouldn't eat crayons either.

Kay:  Oh.  Well, MJ eats crayons.

Kay:  Here MJ.  You get the bad stuff, I get the good stuff.

MJ had one of the good pictures and Kay tried taking from her.

Kay:  Here, give that to me MJ.

MJ:  No, it's mine.