Thursday, August 2, 2012

M&M gets braces (again)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

We originally had planned on M&M getting braces at the first of the year, but my cancer treatments ended up pushing it back several months.  We finally made it into the orthodontist to talk about a treatment plan and we set a date to have her get them on on July 26th.  We thought that it would be best to get them on before school started and marching band was in full swing so that she would have a little bit of time to adjust to them.  If you recall, M&M had braces several years ago on just a couple of her front teeth to pull them into line while she had an expander in her mouth to make room for her teeth.  She is not terribly excited about having them but she is in good company because so many of her friends either currently have them or did have them somewhat recently.  Right now she is gung-ho about keeping them clean and says that she will be diligent about wearing her rubber bands when she starts that so she can get them off as soon as possible.  We'll see if that sticks once the novelty of having them has worn off.