Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pinewood Derby

Tuesday, October 16

Our ward had their Pinewood Derby this month and since I am the primary counselor over cub scouts I went and helped out.  I brought some treats and volunteered to help judge the cars.  Our cub committee chair printed out blank awards certificates on colored paper for each of the boys and I printed out a list of possible awards for the cars.  Luke volunteered to come with me and help me out.  We took our camera and took pictures of each of the cars and identified which one belonged to each boy.  Then Luke and I sat in the back and decided on awards for each of the cars and finished just as they were finishing up the racing.  In the past our pack has not given out any awards and I have always felt it was kind of a bum deal for all of the work that the boys and parents put into the cars.  This year we decided to give a first, second and third place ribbon and then give an awards certificate for each boy.  They were called up by the cubmaster and the award was read and they came up and showed their car to the group.  I think it was a good experience for everyone.