Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sickness hits again

Monday, September 10

Occassionally Kay will wake up in the middle of the night and she will come into my bedroom and want to climb in bed with me.  So last night I woke up to a tap on my arm and I pulled back the covers so that Kay could climb into the bed next to me.  After a little while though I woke up to her making some noise and then I realized that she was throwing up.  I was only partially awake and I said, "Did you just throw up in my bed?"  I quickly picked her up and took her to my bathroom and had her finish throwing up in the toilet.  In the meantime DH got out of bed and was trying to figure out what to do with the bed.  Luckily it only got on the bottom sheet and on Kay's pajamas a little so we just changed the bottom sheet and I cleaned Kay up.  When she came out of my bathroom she said, "I'm really sorry for throwing up in your bed.  It was an accident."  

I then took her downstairs and we slept on the couch for a little while and then she said she wanted to go back up to her bed.  Later that morning she threw up again and then she went downstairs and fell asleep on the couch.

Kay was sick off and on that whole week.  On Tuesday she didn't throw up at all and I thought that she was better but then she threw up again on Wednesday.  I was also sick for a couple of days that week so with the two of us that way I wasn't able to get a lot done that week...  I seem to recall that on Tuesday I had MJ join me in bed which was really weird - especially since she had to climb out of her crib and stumble into my room.  (At first I thought that it was Kay climbing into bed until I realized that when Kay wants to join me in bed she will stand at the side of my bed and tap me on the arm until I wake up and pull back the covers for her.)  MJ had a fever a little bit off and on during the week as well.  Luke felt sick Sunday night but was fine the next morning and the rest of the week.