Thursday, October 11, 2012


Monday, October 1

Back in August we had someone in the neighborhood offer us their trampoline.  Their kids are grown-up now and they no longer needed it.  It took us a while to finally find a time to go over and pick it up from them.  On Monday after we ate dinner I suggested to DH that maybe we could go see if the family was home and maybe pick it up.  The kids (minus M&M) didn't know anything about it.  So DH, M&M, Luke and I left the younger ones at home for a few minutes and walked down a few houses to see if we could get it.  The husband was home and he came out with us and we moved the trampoline out of their backyard, down the middle of the street, carried it over our short garden fence and into our backyard.  The kids have been so excited and have been loving it!  It took a little while for MJ to figure out how to "jump" on it but it has been nice to have especially with the weather being nice during the day now and the kids being off-track.