Tuesday, February 16, 2016

MJ's first day of kindergarten!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

MJ met her teacher on the same day that Kitty and Kay started school last week. MJ was really excited to be going to kindergarten this year and her teacher is really nice. Unfortunately on Monday, MJ got sick and was throwing up and sleeping all day. She was supposed to start school on Tuesday and we were hopeful that she would be better by Tuesday morning but unfortunately she threw up again that morning... I was also supposed to watch my neighbor's kids for her but I had to cancel with her and find someone else that could fill in for me.

When MJ woke up later in the day and realized that she had missed her first day of school she was in tears! I felt so bad for her! I emailed her teacher and explained that MJ was sick and she said that she hoped that she felt better and was looking forward to seeing her the next day.

So along came Wednesday morning and MJ woke up with a lot more energy and was feeling much better (although still not quite 100%). She was so excited to finally be able to go to school! She is in afternoon kindergarten and there is not a bus for the afternoon classes to get to school so I drove her after lunch and went and helped her find where she is supposed to line up. I was a little sad watching her go into the school! I can't believe my baby is in kindergarten! This is the one year where all 6 of our kids will be in the public school system together - from kindergarten up to a senior in high school!

Eating lunch before we leave for school. She was so excited!

Feeling a little unsure about this whole school thing - and not feeling quite 100% yet... This is MJ sitting on the grass next to where she is supposed to be lined up for school - Blondie is next to her.
And she is off - and putting on her happy face!
MJ getting off of the bus after school.
MJ was so excited to show me all of the things that she got at school! It was really cute watching her sit down on the couch and pull everything out of her backpack and tell me what they all were.
A beautiful sunset later that evening! I love the clouds!