Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Busy, busy week!

Monday morning, June 2nd, I was getting the kids and myself ready to go to the store to buy some things for my sister's wedding and some groceries. I wanted to take Baby K's dress for the wedding with me so that I could try and find a headband for her that was the same color yellow. My mom made a dress for Baby K to match the dresses for Blondie & Kitty that were made for them for Easter this year. My mom brought the dress over to our house after church on Baby K's blessing day on May 25th. I remember her showing us the dress and then putting it back into the plastic bag that she had brought it over in and then left it on the floor of the living room next to the stairs. I remember walking past the bag with the dress in it several times and thinking that I should put it somewhere out of the way. Normally I would have just put it downstairs in the room I use for my sewing/project room, but DH's parents were staying with us at the time in that room.

Well, after searching the house from top to bottom I could not find the dress anywhere. I had the kids search when they came home from school and then I asked my husband about it when he came home from work. None of us know what happened to that bag, but it was gone. The only conclusion that we could come to is that the bag was mistaken for trash and thrown out. I quite often have the kids help take out the trash from the house and what they usually do is collect the plastic bags from the trash cans throughout the house and then put the bags into the living room so that they can take them all out at the same time once they are all collected.

Needless to say I felt somewhat sick to my stomach knowing that that is probably what happened to this dress that my mom worked so hard on - and the wedding was less than a week away at this point. I called my mom just to make sure that it hadn't ended up back at her house somehow and then tried to figure out how to make a replacement dress. I had another dress pattern that I could use for it and so I went to the fabric store that evening and bought new fabric, overlay, thread and some buttons. I also ended up buying some fabric & a pattern to make myself a skirt for the wedding if I had extra time. Unfortunately, in addition to the dress, I also had my good fabric scissors, pins, thread & dress pattern in the bag. I do have extra pins & scissors, but that evening as I was trying to cut out the dress I realized that my second pair of scissors do not work well at all which made cutting out the dress take even longer.

While I was cutting out the dress Monday night I realized that I also needed some lining for the dress which I went to buy Tuesday morning along with some new fabric scissors.

Over the next couple of days - which also involved end-of-the-year school programs for M&M and Luke - I was able to get some good work done on Baby K's dress. Thursday evening I was almost finished with it and was serging some of the seams when I serged (& cut) right into the front bodice piece of the dress. DH happened to arrive home from work at about this time & I was in tears when he came in to see how things were going. I had to take out just about every single seam from the dress, cut out a new bodice piece and sew the whole thing back together again... This whole fiasco set me back another 2-3 hours. I did finish the dress that night except for sewing the buttons on which I did the next night. I went to bed at about 2 a.m. Thursday night because I wanted to cut out my skirt.

On Friday my dad came and picked up Blondie & Kitty to take to their house to play with some cousins who were in town for the wedding. I then spent most of the morning at the grocery store, bank, and at Bed, Bath & Beyond to get my sister a wedding present. Most of the afternoon I spent making a pasta salad for my sister's wedding reception (held at my parents' house and catered by my family). Later that afternoon I picked up another sister and her daughter from the airport and then we met DH at my parents' house for a big group dinner the night before the wedding (pizza). Roger's family ended up coming and eating with us as well so we had a pretty full house.

I then stayed up until about 2 a.m. again Friday finishing my skirt... On both Thursday & Friday nights, Baby K went to sleep around 11 p.m. and slept until around 5:30 a.m. - what a blessing!

Thankfully I was able to get everything done and other than being tired, I felt pretty good! I will post pictures of Baby K in her dress & more details of the wedding in a separate post.


Cherylyn said...

I am out of breath just reading this blog. I can't believe how much you are doing with all your kids plus a 2 month old! It's amazing. Great job finishing baby k's dress and your skirt...I think if that happened to me, I would tear the whole thing up in frustration. I hope now that it's all over, you get to relax a little!