Monday, June 16, 2008

Turning over a new leaf...

I think that Baby K hit her two-month birthday and decided to turn over a new leaf. She has been a much more happy & content baby over this past week and a half, it's been amazing. I can now put her down during the daytime and she will stay asleep for an hour or two, which has been awesome! She also seems to be able to go for longer stretches during the day without eating. She is very alert and responsive off and on throughout the day and smiles a lot (especially in the mornings). I have actually been able to get some things done around the house and have even been able to go to a couple of stores - which is quite a feat with 5 young children, but also necessary since Sunday was Father's Day, DH's parents arrive tomorrow to stay with us for a week, and Thursday is DH's birthday! She still startles very easily and wakes up pretty easily so we are still working on that. :)

Just look at those squishy cheeks - Baby K's, not mine! (Okay, so I'm holding her while she's sleeping, but who can resist a cute, sleeping baby when there are no pressing things to get done??)


Tanman said...

Andrew did the same thing at around 2 months. Its such a nice change.