Monday, July 21, 2008

Backwards day

This morning we were getting ready to leave for an orthodontist appointment when I looked at Luke and thought that it looked like his shirt was on backwards. So I asked him to check and sure enough the tag was in the front. So he changed it around and then we got in the car and left. While waiting in the waiting room at the orthodontist office, M&M noticed that Blondie's pants (leggings) were on backwards. I told her that she could switch them around when we got back out to the car. Then when we piled back into the car after the appointment Luke says to me that his shorts are on backwards as well. At first I thought that he was just joking but then he shows me the tag at the front. So I let him change his shorts around once we stopped at a store and all of the girls had piled out of the car. What is going on at our house?? I think all the kids need to learn how to dress themselves again...


Unknown said...

Hi Steph - my kids have LOTS of days like that! Even trying to leave for school sometimes.
I tagged you for a meme. Have fun!