Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Kid talk

These three stories all happened last week:

Story 1:
I was out running some errands with MJ and Kay.  We went to one store and then we drove over to Wal-Mart.  I am not a huge Wal-Mart fan (at least not the Super Wal-Marts) so it had been a while since I had been to this store with the girls.  When we pulled up into the parking lot, Kay piped up from the back of the car, "Ooo, can we buy some doughnuts?"  Then after a few words back and forth between Kay and MJ, MJ says, "Mmmm, I love doughnuts mama!  It's 'licious mama!!"

Story 2:
One morning I needed to go to the post office to drop off some letters and I wanted to buy some more stamps while I was there.  Lately Kay wants to know what we will be doing each day and if we are going somewhere, she likes to know where we will be going.  So on the way to the post office, Kay was asking me where we were going and I responded, "The post office."  Well, MJ tried repeating what I was saying, but for some reason she was having a hard time hearing the starting consonant sound of the word "post".  After repeating it for her a couple of times, MJ started calling it, "The toast office."  When we finally got there and I went up to the counter to buy some stamps I was having a hard time keeping a straight face because MJ was off to the side repeating "toast office" over and over again.

The other funny part about this experience is that I hadn't written down what MJ was calling the post office and I promptly forgot and couldn't remember it when I was trying to tell the story to M&M later in the day.  Well, I decided to try asking MJ to say post office and when I asked her to she responded with "toast office" again.

Story 3:
DH was late leaving for work one morning because he was waiting for some things to finish up on his computer.  After cleaning up a little from breakfast I took a shower, fully expecting DH to be gone by the time I got out.  So I showered and got dressed and made the bed and then I noticed that MJ was trying to grab DH's wallet off of the dresser.  My first thought was that DH had accidentally left it but then I noticed that there were a few other things that he had left as well.  So I asked Kay to go down to the garage and see if his car was still here.  She went down and opened the garage door and then called up to me, "I think he left his car.  I think he walked today."

We had some errands to do so I loaded the girls in the car and then when we came home DH was still there.  I made some comment out loud, wondering why he was still at home and hadn't left for work yet.  Then Kay responded with, "I know.  Daddy loves his daughters so much that he didn't go to work today."  I was having a hard time following that reasoning so I said, "What?"  Then Kay said, "Daddy loves me so much because I said such a good prayer yesterday, so he wanted to stay home with me and not go to work today...  Because he loves me."