Friday, September 28, 2012

Weird sickness

I don't think I mentioned this when it happened but I wanted to blog about it before I forgot.  We had a really weird sickness hit our family around the time that Heath's brother and family came from overseas.  The Thursday before they came (June 14th) I was supposed to take M&M in to the orthodontist's office for a consultation about getting full braces on her.  When I woke up to get myself ready in the morning I went downstairs and found M&M who had apparently been up for several hours throwing up...  At first I thought that she might be okay to take in still (you know, one of those sickness where you throw up and then feel fine), but after a few minutes it was obvious that she should be staying home.  Later that evening Luke also felt sick and threw up once or twice.  Then both of them felt better the next day.

So fast forward to Sunday night/Monday morning.  On Monday morning (the day that DH's brother was supposed to arrive) we woke up to find that Kitty had thrown up in the middle of the night some time.  She was feeling just so-so the rest of the day and then was better by Tuesday.

The next person to get sick was me.  I woke up around 2 in the morning on Saturday and threw up a couple of times and had quite a bit of diahrrea as well.  It was not a pleasant night.  Once daylight came for the day I was feeling so-so and this was the day that we had planned on hiking around Mirror Lake.  I went ahead and went with the rest of the family and managed alright.

Our next sickness hit on Tuesday after we were in Island Park.  Blondie didn't feel so hot that evening and we had her and Kitty sleep in the room with us that night.  I think Blondie threw up once or twice before she went to sleep.  Other than that she seemed to feel alright the next day.  I know that earlier in the day on Tuesday MJ also had a little bit of diahrrea, but other than that and a little bit of fussiness she was alright.

I don't recall Kay or DH getting sick at all.  If either of them did it was mild and didn't affect them much at all.  MJ also wasn't affected too much - which was a good thing for all of us.

I also know that one of the cousins that was visiting us got sick a couple of days after we were together - I'm not sure if that sickness was related to the one that went through our family, but it is very possible that it was.  I'm just glad that it was a relatively quick sickness and it was kind of nice to have it spread out as much as it was.