Tuesday, September 11, 2012

S Family Reunion - Day 3 - evening

Friday, July 20

After we finished with the family pictures, my mom served up some cake and ice cream.  We also managed to get in a little bit of swimming, game playing, badminton, trampoline jumping and had tons of fun with bubbles!  I came up with the idea of trying to make giant bubbles for an activity for the kids (and adults) to do.  My kids and I experimented with a couple of different recipes that I came across on the internet and I made some bubble "wands" that I found instructions for on the internet as well.  They work best if the air is humid (which can be a hard thing here in Utah).  Friday evening worked out perfectly because there were some storm clouds in the air and it was a little bit cooler as well.  The little kids loved popping the big bubbles which was a little frustrating when you managed to get one to form and leave the wand!!  (Kay went to bed shortly after cake was served and missed the activities in the evening.  She got some much needed sleep though!)

Here is the website that I used for the bubble solution and the instructions for making the bubble wands if anyone is interested:  Giant Bubble Maker
We had a blast with it and I did it again for our ward party that we had a couple of weeks later.

Exciting game of Pit!

Yummy grass!

Can you see the bubble way up in the sky?

Another beautiful sunset!