Thursday, October 19, 2006


Wednesday, October 11
On Wednesday, Cherylyn took us to visit Jamestown Settlement which is a recreation of the original Jamestown (Cherylyn used to work here). They have replicas of the Indian huts, the ships that the colonists sailed on and the colonist town.

The kids really enjoyed this place because it is really geared towards kids and they were able to do a lot of hands on things. There were also people dressed up in period costume who were there to talk with you and demostrate different things. The kids liked touring the ships, carving out a canoe and trying on armor. To see more pictures, visit Cherylyn's blog entry: Fun With Family!

P.S. - Thanks Cherylyn for the use of your camera! (I forgot mine back at the condo we were staying at...)


Missy White said...

Cherylyn didn't take us there. The hands on looks great for the kids!