Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Natural History Museum

Friday, September 29

(The obligatory picture in front of the elephant in the main rotunda.)

The highlights of this museum included the dinosaurs and the bugs (for Grandpa, me, Luke, Blondie & Kitty) and the gems (for Grandma & M&M). There was also a new exhibit on Western Cultures which had some interesting mummies on display. We also saw an IMAX movie there that I will talk more about in a future blog.

More scientists with a sense of humor... This message was posted on the window of the FossilLab where scientists work at uncovering fossils and bones so that patrons of the museum can watch the process. (Incidentally, I have yet to see anyone actually in the lab working...)


Vonae said...

Did the kids like this? I've wondered about taking the girls to one in IF. That sign is funny.

Steph said...

The kids always love this museum. And the added benefit is that all of the Smithsonian Museums are free. That's why we haven't gone to the one here at the University of Utah. I haven't decided yet if it would be worth it to take little kids and have to pay for them...