Thursday, October 16, 2014

Christmas 2013

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Kay's response to getting batteries in her stocking!
Luke's response to receiving Pokemon X DS game.
Kay is at an age where she is very easy to please!
Blondie and Kitty opening up the "big" gift for the kids this year - a trampoline.  I don't think they quite understood the gift since we weren't able to set it up for several months because of the weather.  They opened up an envelope that had a picture of the trampoline but the boxes were out in the garage - too big really to bring into the house.
Blondie and Kitty trying out the headbands and purses that DH brought back from his trip to Guatemala.
Looking at some more Guatemala gifts.
I love this painting and have been wanting it for a long time.  Mom N gave it to us!
I think this hug was a thank you from Kay to MJ for her sibling gift - cute picture!