Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Kitty turns 9!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Kitty's birthday was kind of a crazy day.  The kids were still off track but that evening our ward was having a Pinewood Derby event for the Activity Day girls.  We were still a little bit up in the air about who was going to be attending that.  We had been working on the cars with the girls for a little bit but were still finishing up the detail work.  In the end we decided to all attend the Pinewood Derby and I think we had Kitty open a few presents that night but we did the rest of the presents and cake and ice cream the following night.  (I don't have any pictures of the Pinewood Derby or the cake part of Kitty's birthday on my camera so hopefully they are on DH's camera and I will post them later.)

Kitty wearing the outfit that Grandma gave her.
MJ trying out her hand at videotaping...