Friday, August 22, 2008

Sleeping arrangements

I decided yesterday that it was about time to start putting Baby K to bed in the crib in Kitty's room. I'm a little sad with this move but there's really no reason for her to be in my room anymore since she is consistently sleeping through the night. She started out sleeping in bed with me and then we alternated between my bed and her car seat and once she started sleeping through the night she didn't need to sleep with me anymore. I know sleeping in a car seat sounds pretty weird, but I love it because I can put the car seat right next to my bed and the baby feels nice and secure wrapped in a blanket. I used to think people were weird who did it, but I love the fact that it keeps the baby in a semi-reclined position in case they are stuffed up or spit up a little in their sleep. Blondie slept in her car seat off and on and then Kitty slept in it all the time for the first few months - she and I did not sleep well together for some reason. Luke slept with me all the time and M&M slept in a bassinet attachment that goes to our Pack 'n Play.

I have always loved sleeping with my babies because they are so warm and cuddly and they are only little for a short time. When I had Luke, my husband was not too crazy about the idea of having the baby in bed with me, but Luke and I both slept so much better when we did. I have always slept with my arm under the baby's head and on the side away from my husband. Over the years DH has really warmed up to the idea because he realizes how short the time is as well. (I think that at first he thought that it would become a habit that I would have a hard time breaking the baby & myself of.) Once the babies start to get bigger and mobile, I start to not sleep as well and know that it's time for them to move out. DH gets a little sad for me when that time comes because it's a sign that our baby is growing up (and way too fast).

At this point Baby K is too big for the bassinet and getting too mobile for the car seat - plus like I mentioned before she is sleeping through the night without any problems - my first baby to do this before 1 year!! So last night after she fell asleep I laid her down in the crib and hooked up the baby monitor. I woke up at about 6:20 this morning and she was still sound asleep in the position I had laid her down in. About 10 minutes later I heard her making some noises and went in to check on her. She was wide awake and when she saw me broke into a huge grin and started flapping her arms and legs. Her first night in the crib was a success!