Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Disneyland Day 2

On our second day we spent most of the day at Disney's California Adventure up until the park closed at 6 p.m. It was a much warmer day and we ended up renting a locker to store our sweatshirts and jackets in so we wouldn't have to carry them around with us. We started out by going to the Muppets 3-D movie and then the Monsters Inc. ride. Next we went over to the Hollywood Tower of Terror and since DH went on the one in Disney World and I couldn't because I was pregnant, he had me take the kids on this one. Blondie was tall enough to go on this so she decided to come with us while Kitty and Baby K stayed out with their dad. There was no line at all so they took us right in. I was a little concerned about the kids because I wasn't sure what to expect from the ride. Luke was acting especially nervous so I sat between him and Blondie. The kids were absolutely terrified during the ride. They rode up in down in the elevator with silent, open-mouths. Afterwards Blondie said it was a fun ride but M&M and particularly Luke didn't like it at all.

After the ride we met up with DH and the little ones at the Bug's Life part of the park and went on a bunch of fun rides over there. We also went to a 4-D show called "It's Tough Being a Bug" which had some scary parts for the kids - like spiders coming down from the ceiling, hornets "stinging" you in the back and bugs crawling on the seat. Next we ate lunch in the park and then we split up and I took the 3 little girls to a Playhouse Disney show while DH took M&M and Luke on California Screamin' and a couple of other rides.

Then we met up again and I went on California Screamin' with M&M and Luke while DH took the younger kids on the Carousel. That roller coaster is crazy! Instead of starting out with a slow climb up a big hill to get speed it uses some type of propulsion system to start the roller coaster out from a dead stop to 55 mph in 4 seconds! Luke loved the ride but M&M wasn't sure about going on it with me for her second ride. Next we went on the new Toy Story Midway Mania ride where you play a bunch of different carnival type games wearing 3-D glasses. Each person has a toy cannon that you shoot at targets and try to get the highest score. The kids really enjoyed this one and Baby K was allowed to go on it with us.

We did the carousel ride again with everyone and then headed over to some more rides and then sat down too wait for the Pixar Parade (the only parade going on in either park during our stay). After that the park closed and we headed over to Disneyland where we got some cotton candy and then went to find a place to sit for the Fantasmic! show. We were able to get pretty good seats - on the ground. The show is set up very differently than Disney World because at Disney World there is a whole amphitheater devoted just to the Fantasmic! show. At Disneyland it just takes place at the water front where Tom Sawyer's island is and the only seats are on the ground. Kitty ended up sitting on DH's lap to see the show and Blondie sat on our backpack - there were a couple of taller people in front of the kids. They really enjoyed the show and then afterwards we walked back to the hotel and DH and M&M went out to get pizza for dinner.

Can you see Sleeping Beauty's castle in the background?