Monday, January 24, 2011


Apparently Kay hasn't been in too many elevators. When we were leaving the doctor's office today I asked her if she wanted to go down the stairs or take the elevator. She said the elevator so we headed over to it and I had her push the button. I got on first, carrying MJ and her car seat and I grabbed Kay to make sure she got on as well. Kay wasn't sure what to think of this little room that we had just entered and then the doors closed on us. Then she felt the movement of the elevator and it kind of caught her off guard. When we got to the 1st floor (from the 2nd), the doors opened. Kay was hesitant to step over the metal where the door just was and she said, "It's an alligator." Then as we were walking out of the building to the car she said, "We went down the stairs in the alligator!"