Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little things

* Luke making a lunch for Blondie when she is running a few minutes late (without being asked).

* Blondie telling him "thank you" without being prompted.

* Blondie giving a big chocolate bar that she received at school to M&M because she doesn't think she can eat it all and she knows that M&M loves them.

* The kids (especially M&M) getting excited about receiving big homemade fudge kisses from Grandma N.

* Kay getting excited about receiving some Valentine candy and wanting to share with her dad.

* Spring fever!! We have been having unseasonably warm weather ever since last Saturday - highs in the upper 50s-60!!

* Watching M.J. figure out how to move around the room. She can now get herself to the sitting position on her own.

* M.J. getting excited when she sees her dad and crying if he walks away without picking her up!

* Kay being very polite and saying "please" and "thank-you" without being prompted.

* Making & decorating Valentine cookies with the kids.