Friday, May 27, 2011

Garden update - 5/27/11

Yesterday we finally started planting some things in the garden. We planted some spinach, lettuce, broccoli, cucumber, cantaloupe, carrots, watermelon, pumpkins, and radishes. The hardest thing for me this year will be trying to keep Kay from walking in the areas where things are planted. She thinks she can just run around anywhere in the garden and she keeps stepping on the lettuce, onions, carrots, and strawberries that are already planted... I was also able to put flowers in our flower pots earlier this week.


Vonae said...

Your garden sounds great! My garden isn't that big so I'll planted was onions, basil, chives, strawberries and tomatoes. We already had lots of raspberries. I would like to move the garden but Shane doesn't want to. The garden doesn't get enough sun so everything is small. :(

mshaw said...

We try to put stepping stones or small pavers in between so the kids know where to step.

Steph said...

We have a pretty big garden plot that was here when we moved in and it gets full sun - which can be both good and bad with the hot Utah summers.

I try and make paths throughout the garden where the kids can walk, but they are only temporary because I change the garden around each year so I can rotate the crops. The hard part is teaching Kay that she needs to keep on the paths since she has been running around the whole area while we we pulling weeds and getting it ready for planting. Right now it would be too much work for me to put pavers in because the garden is too big.