Monday, June 27, 2011

School year comes to an end - 2011

Overall it was a good school year for everyone. M&M ended a little over a week before the elementary school kids. She ended up getting straight A's all year long in all of her classes!! She had a pretty smooth transition to middle school and after she adjusted to everything ended up loving it! She also made quite a few new friends and became reacquainted with some old friends.

Kitty's last day was June 9th and Luke and Blondie's last day was June 10th. Luke had the same teacher that M&M had for fourth grade and also did well. Whenever we met with him he would ask us how M&M was doing - she was one of his favorite students.All of the kids' teachers have been teaching for 20+ years so things went pretty smoothly for everyone. We already know who Luke and Blondie will have for their teachers next year. Blondie will have one of the teachers that M&M had for third grade and she is also the wife of M&M's soccer coach. We are really excited to have her for Blondie's teacher next year.
Blondie and Luke's classes didn't have any end of the year programs this year! It was kind of weird. So I ended up going to the school the second to last day to get some pictures of the kids with their teachers. I was doing pretty good with all of the end of the year stuff (since there were only kindergarten programs) until Kitty's last day of school. She was supposed to bring a lunch and some items from home for a teddy bear picnic and I completely spaced it! Kitty apparently tried calling home but I wasn't there yet and M&M didn't answer the phone and Kitty didn't leave a message. Kitty's teacher was able to get a lunchable for her to eat and some of the kids in her class shared some things with her too. I felt so bad when I found out!!