Thursday, May 24, 2012

Kay talk

On Monday morning I was talking to DH a little about his trip to Washington.  A few minutes later I was in my room with Kay and she said, "I can't wait to go to Grandma N's house!"  (She associates visiting her with the big bouncy house that they blow up in their backyard for us while we are in town.  She is so excited to visit again so she can bounce in it!)

We were kneeling down for family prayer on Monday night and it was Kay's turn to say it so DH asked if she would be willing to say the prayer for us.  Her response was, "Sure.  I'd be happy to."  We all started laughing because it was such a cute comment, especially the way that she said it.

Later that night I was putting MJ and Kay to bed and as Kay crawled into her bed she said, "Mom, how come everybody laughs at me."  My thoughts immediately went to her comment after her dad asked her to say the family prayer.  I told her that she makes us laugh and smile because she is so cute and says such cute things.  (She wasn't sure if that was a good enough response.  We will have to be a little more sensitive to her feelings in the future.  She can be a very sensitive little girl at times.)

Kitty missed the bus to school yesterday morning so I had to quickly get the little girls ready so we could drive her to school.  Kay wanted to get dressed before we left so I looked in her drawer for some clothes and pulled out a pair of pants and a shirt and said, "Here, these will work."  After looking at the clothes that I had picked out she responded, "Ummm, are you sure about that?"