Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Shopping success

We finally found a new swimming suit that fits M&M!  She has been squeezing into one that we bought for the summer of 2009 and it just barely fits her still - and is wearing out.  (I just looked back on my blog to see how long we have had it and there are pictures of her with it on in 2009!  I just told M&M that and she can't believe that she has been wearing it for that long.)  She has really liked her old swimming suit.  We got it at Target and it came with a pair of matching shorts.  We have had a super hard time finding one this year that is modest and that fits her.  One Saturday we spent several hours driving from one store to another with no success.  We would find some that she likes and then when she would try them on they were always too tight in the length - even ones that were 2 or 3 sizes bigger than she wears in clothes.  We even tried a few women's sizes without any luck - they were either way too big or completely ridiculous styles or old lady looking (no offense to any older ladies out there).

There is a website that sells swimsuits that I became aware of a year or two ago so we thought it might be something for us to try out for M&M.  With her long torso though I was hesitant to buy anything without her trying it on first.  I found out that they have a store in American Fork so M&M and I took a trip down to the store yesterday while MJ was napping.  We had kind of decided on some styles to try on by looking at their website and once we were there we immediately found them and M&M tried them on.  And we had success!!  We ended up getting her a tankini style with a separate swimsuit bottom.  It looks super cute on her and fits really well.  M&M is super excited to try it out at our upcoming S Family reunion!  (And I'll have to take pictures of her in it to put on the blog.)  I also bought myself a new swimsuit there so we will post some reviews of the swimsuits once we try them out at the pool.  Here is the website for anyone interested:  hapari.com

I also finally found some sandals for M&M that she likes and that fit her.  We have been looking for those for a while as well and she is a pretty picky person as far as shoes go.  It has been a lot of work but it is fun to finally get things that she likes and that she is happy about - it puts her into a very chatty mood!