Saturday, December 8, 2012

Growing kids!!

My kids all seem to be growing like weeds.  With the girls I don't mind so much because I know that their clothes will almost all be worn again by one of their sisters, but it is a little harder with Luke who is our only boy.  It seems that every time I turn around I am telling someone that their pants are too short or their shirt is looking a little too tight.  (And then when I do the laundry I can't remember who I told what to so the clothes usually end up going right back in their drawers!)  I think the kids that have grown the most in the last few months have been Kitty and Kay.  Several of Kitty's clothes are going straight to Kay and she is 3 years younger.  And then we have Blondie who is just a little bit bigger than Kitty so some of the clothes that have been passed from Blondie to Kitty are almost too small for Kitty already.

Right now we are going through growing pains in the snow clothes department.  M&M and Blondie have outgrown their boots and for some reason I can't find any boots that M&M wore that would be Blondie's size (although I haven't checked M&M's closet yet).  I just pulled some snow pants and a coat  out of the storage room for Blondie and as she was trying them on I heard her say, "Oh, they kind of match!"  She sounded excited about that although with snow clothes I don't really care if they match or not!  (But out of all of my kids, Blondie would be the one to care.)