Monday, October 22, 2012

M&M sightings!

Saturday, August 25

M&M's first marching band outing of the year was at Rice-Eccles Stadium at the University of Utah.  Her high school football team has their opening game of the season there every year against Alta High School.  We decided not to go but we have a few friends from the ward that were there and spotted M&M and sent us some pictures from their phones.  This was her first time wearing her band uniform and since they don't bring it home it was our first time seeing her in it.  Two people came up to me at church the next day and told me that they had seen her and didn't know that she was in the marching band.  It kind of ended up being a bum deal for the band though because they were scheduled to perform their half-time show at the end of the game but the people at the stadium wouldn't let them do it because the game ended much later than expected.  So they got dressed up in their uniforms and were out late just so they could play a few songs in the stands (and I think they were able to do a portion of the pre-game show).