Thursday, October 11, 2012

New beds

Friday, September 21

Since MJ can now climb out of the crib we decided to put up another set of bunk beds and put Kay and MJ into twin beds.  This meant that we needed to go buy two new twin mattresses.  We ordered them through a sale that the marching band was doing as a fundraiser and it was going to take or week or two before they came in.  The girls were SOOO excited about moving up to twin beds (or I should say that Kay was excited, MJ wasn't sure what was going on).  We got the call that the mattresses were in and that we could pick them up.  That night we put up the second bunk bed set (from Grandpa W's house).  We needed to do some moving around and rearranging still so we had MJ sleep another night in her crib.  Here are pictures of MJ and Kay in their new twin beds.  They look tiny in such a big bed! My parents took the crib down for us the following week while they were watching the girls for me when I had some tests and appointments.  It has freed up some space in the little girls' room to not have the crib and toddler bed in there.  Right now we have Blondie and MJ in one room and Kay and Kitty in the second room.  I found some cute comforters the following week for the beds and I also bought a couple more sheet sets for the girls.  I also found a matching curtain set for one of the rooms which looks really cute.  I am still in the process of finalizing the rooms so once that is done I will take some more pictures.