Friday, September 16, 2011

One last summer swim

Saturday, August 20, 2011

We were able to get in one more family swim this summer before M&M started school and soccer games started. And this time DH was able to come with us! The weather was a little overcast when we got to the pool and around the time we left to head to my parents' house for dinner it started raining with some thunder and lightning. I wasn't able to take a lot of pictures because MJ fell asleep while we were there so I was sitting out away from the pool with her asleep in my arms.


Cheryl said...

Okay, I WAS feeling jealous of the Utah weather until I realized you all were getting a little cold for swimming. Swimming keeps us sane here. We are not even close to the last summer swim, that is a good thing, right? But I still miss fall color, jackets, cool nights, pumpkins and weather under 100 degrees!