Friday, September 28, 2012

M&M's first church dance

Saturday, August 11

Now that M&M is 14, she is old enough to go to the dances sponsored by our church.  Our stake has joined up with 3 other nearby stakes to hold multi-stake dances about once a month.  She has several friends in the ward that go to the dances as well and they called to ask if she wanted to go with them. Well, she also needed a dance card from the bishop which she hadn't received yet so I had her call the bishop's house and ask if she could pick one up before she went (one of her friends is the bishop's daughter).  He said that was fine so she got dressed and ready to go and picked up the dance card when they stopped to pick up the bishop's daughter.

As a side note - that is my skirt that she is wearing (with the waist cinched in a bit with safety pins)...
She said that it was fun and she ran into a bunch of her friends from school that are in another stake.  I just can't believe that she is getting old enough to go to these dances!  Before I know it she will be 16 and wanting to drive and date!  AHHH!!


Dan said...

They have dance cards now? What are they for?

Steph said...

They have to have a dance card to get into the dance - basically a card given to them by the bishop that the youth and parent have to sign saying that they will abide by the rules at the dance. It may be a mostly Utah thing...

She also has a limited use temple recommend that is good for a year and she can go and do baptisms at the temple anytime she wants.