Monday, September 10, 2012

S Family Reunion - Day 3 - morning

Friday, July 20

We packed up a picnic lunch and headed out to Wasatch Mountain State Park for the morning.  Our little family wanted to get in a hike first so we arrived at the park and hiked probably 2 or so miles and then met up with the rest of the family at a lake for lunch.  It was a super hot day and the kids did nothing but complain, complain, complain the whole hike...  I think that Blondie is the only one that I didn't hear a complaint from the whole time!

I think this was a muskrat at the lake.  Some of the family also rented some fishing poles and some of the kids did a little bit of fishing.
After we finished out lunch our car took a longish detour to explore a little more of the park and the area.  It was a super steep, rocky, dirt road - probably not the best thing for our minivan!  We did see some pretty views though and some wildlife!

Part of the steep, rocky, dirt road that we took a little detour on.  And ended up getting a crack in our windshield from some reckless 4-wheelers...
We came upon this moose running down the road.  They are such awkward looking animals!

Deer Creek Reservoir